klik..klik...tabung kami...=D

Tuesday, November 26, 2013


Marriage is a school where you get the certificate before you start. 
A school where you will never graduate. 
A school without a break or a free period. 
A school where no one is allowed to drop out. 
A school which you will have to attend every day of your life. 
A school where there is no sick leave or holidays. 
A school founded by the Almighty:
1. On the foundation of love, 
2. The walls made of trust,
3. The door made of acceptance, 
4. The windows made of understanding. 
5. The furniture made of blessings. 
6. The roof made of faith. 
Before you forget, you are just a student not the principal. The Almighty is the principal.
Even at times of a storm, don’t be unwise and run outside.
Remember this school is the safest place to be. 
Never go to sleep before completing your assignments for the day. 
Never forget the C-word, communicate, communicate, communicate with your classmate and with the Principal.
If you find something in your classmate (spouse) that you do not appreciate, remember your classmate is also just a student not a graduate. The Almighty is not finished with him/her yet, so take it as a challenge and work on it together. 
Do not forget to study, study, study the Noble Book (the main textbook in this school). 
Start each day with a sacred assembly and end it the same way.
Sometimes you will feel like not attending class, yet you have to.
When tempted to quit find the courage and continue. 
Some tests and exams may be tough but remember the Principal knows how much you can bear. 
Still, it is one of the best schools on earth; joy, peace and happiness accompany each lesson of the day. 
Different subjects are offered in this school, yet love is the major subject. 
After all the years of being theoretical about it, now you have a chance to practice it. 
To be loved is a good thing, but to love is the greatest privilege of them all. 
Marriage is a place of love, so love your spouse but remember: “This class doesn’t involve a person who is not permitted into it”! If you invite your mother or father or your friends to this class,   or anyone who is not allowed to be there, you will fail the exam. 
It is you who should attend and it is you who will pass. 
Its your choice today:” build it or break it”. 

Saturday, April 13, 2013


Semalam, 12 April 2013
dia postkan ke dinding mukabuku aku

mungkin jarak dalam perhubungan kami belum betul-betul diuji lagi
kerana ikatan kami belum halal di sisi syarak
semakin hampir tarikh keramat itu,
semakin aku rasa seperti ingin lari,
menjauhkan diri
tak sanggup untuk membayangkan keadaan kami
selepas terlafaznya lafaz ijab kabul 
diantara kami
...insyaa Allah...

Ya Allah,
tabahkan hatiku kelak


Saturday, March 23, 2013

Idea Spontan Dia

2 Mac 2013

satu hari aku menghantar pesanan ringkas kepadanya ayat ini,

love is like a rubber gum. 
two people keep pulling until one person let it go, 
and it hurts the one who holds on

aku menghantar lagi,

saya yang selalu buat awak terluka kan. 

dia menafikan. katanya, 

love is like a rubber gum. 
two people keep chewing until one person spits it, 
and it sticks to the one who steps on it.

sungguh dia spontan, sungguh dia menyenangkan, sungguh dia tak pernah mengecewakan. 

terima kasih sayang...


Wednesday, March 20, 2013

February 2012

19 Feb : i went to Shah Alam to celebrate his birthday a day earlier.

breakfast together
spent time at tasik, chatting…
head to Jusco, window shopping
bought a ¾ track-suit for him cost RM120
bought him wallet from Converse, RM79 for his birthday
lunch at Kenny Rogers Roasters and something funny happened…XD
shopping at Popular, having a great time with him. (^_^)
went to Tutty Fruity, share a cup of yogurt. =D
quarreled a bit. My mistake. His car got stretched but he still acted cool, not angry at all. Felt guilty, a lot!
I cried when the time comes…gonna miss him so much!

p/s : dia dah pun membuat keputusan untuk bekerja di luar negara. aku terima keputusannya dengan hati yang berat. mungkin ada hikmah yang tersembunyi...

aku tahu dan aku percaya


Saturday, March 16, 2013

January 2012

13 Jan : I went to shah alam tonight but didn’t tell him

14 Jan : arrived earlier than expected, around 4.40 am. I called him, bit he didn’t pick up. I waited until 6.00 am. he really surprised I’m coming, pick me up 30 min later. 

having breakfast
walk around the tasik
went to jusco
lunch at pizza
watching “Sherlock Holmes”
went to I-City, snow walk, eat strawberry choc together
I got teddy bear, small love shape pillow, silver ring, tiramisu cake, tutti fruity
It’s so wonderfull

20 Jan : went to shah alamwhile he finish his work, I stayed at his house alone. i'm going back to campus with him. ^^,
I drove half way, something happened to us. (^_^)

22 Jan  : quarreled because his late sms reply.

23 Jan : at night just get together again. Regret it.

24 Jan : he fetched me that morning, having breakfast, went back to shah alam together. I found out about his going to fetch a girl colleague accidentally by a sms from her. It makes me mad. he promise to cancel it and promise it won’t happen again. I forgive him. spent time at Jusco before taking my bus to Kuantan

something did happen again actually. 


Wednesday, March 13, 2013

December 2011

3  Dec : Went to meet his family…they all accepted me the way I am…

10 Dec : Our 5th date…! From dawn to dark…! (^_^) 
breakfast at mcD
walking around the pond
went to Summit USJ
watching movie, “ombak rindu
tea time
heading to bus station
dinner at stall 
time to apart…I cried badly…=‘(

12 Dec : argue about he’s going to work abroad, I can’t accept it…='(

13 Dec : he still trying to convince me that he won’t forget me

14 Dec : he told me that his heart won’t leave me…

15 Dec : I accused he’s not loyal just want to make him get angry and leave me…I failed…no matter how hard I tried, he just won’t leave me…his love for me is strong enough to make him stay beside me…

25 Dec : once again, I asked for break up if he still want to go to work abroad. he asked me to understand that its all for our future together. I give up…just let him made the decision, I’ll accept anything. he said he will always love me no matter what happen…



Monday, March 11, 2013

October 2011

8 Oct   : our 4th dating…meet at KL Sentral, then head to KLCC, then to KL Sentral back 4 lunch at Burger King. Finally, we shared drinks from the same straw…(^_^)
This time its all on me…(all his money went 4 samsung galaxy S2 already =P) 
its really the best moment…(“,)

10 Oct  : he sms me something that really hurt. I off my hp all day from morning to night. Just turn on to sms him,

“your words hurt me a lot. Really disappointed. Do whatever u want, u are free now.”

that night, I called him. He kept asking me to forgive him…at last, I just said, 

“ I want to stop. Live with your works, your friends, anything. It has nothing to do with me anymore." 

I off my hp……………

few min later, I on it back. He sent me his mms… I just can’t leave him…b4 sleep, he keep asking me to not going anywhere, and never leave him. He needs me. I wish I could say, 

“I’ll never leave u coz I need u more”.

ini sahaja yang termampu aku ceritakan. maaf ya sayang, saya tahu awak ikut perkembangan blog kita. saya tak punya masa terluang seperti orang lain, dan awak tahu kenapa kan...


Saturday, March 9, 2013

September 2011

17 Sept : I went to Perlis, we arguing…he got sore throat, but refused to go to clinic…almost night, we went ok…but b4 sleep, continue arguing…

18 Sept : I decided to end our relationship, for the 3rd time! He kept begging me not to, but I don’t care anymore…don’t know why…b4 sleep, my heart starts to melt…he never stop trying…I know he’s the one for me…he will never let me go no matter how I try to avoid him…

19 Sept : I went to Main Campus to get his jubah…it’s my pleasure…=)

22 Sept : he came to our campus to get his jubah from me with his parents. we met at 2.30 in the morning…feel like hugging him at that moment…(“,)

24 Sept : I went to his convocation, meet his parents..=D 
his parents and sister treat me nicely…now I’m officially             his future wife, already make a promise…=)

terlalu banyak perkara yang terjadi dalam cerita KAMI. pahit, manis, suka, duka, cukup semua rasa. lengkap. walau apapun, aku tetap mahu ceritakan serba sedikit agar boleh menjadi tatapan anak cucu dan generasi kami kelak.

Tanggal 24 September boleh menjadi satu tarikh penting dalam cerita kami, tarikh aku diperkenalkan kepada kedua ibu dan bapanya semasa hari penting baginya, Konvokesyen.

Dari pagi, aku sudah mula gementar, memikirkan pakaian yang sesuai dan bagaimana aku harus berdepan dengan ibu bapanya. akhirnya, aku membuat keputusan untuk menjadi diri sendiri, memilih pakaian yang selesa dan menjadi kebiasaan. bukan baju kurung, tetapi bagiku sudah cukup sopan. paling penting, menutup aurat. ya kan? =)

sesampai aku di tempat kejadian, aku memaklumkan kepada dia melalui pesanan ringkas. dia menyuruhku menunggu di satu tempat kerana sedang sibuk merakamkan gambar kenangan bersama rakan-rakan seangkatan. 

sementara menunggu, aku pergi membeli sejambak bunga untuk diberikan kepadanya.  

" teringin nak ada orang bagi munge masa konvo nanti..."

hajatnya akan kesampaian. insyaAllah. aku tersenyum sendiri mengenangkan permintaannya itu semasa awal perkenalan kami. aku membeli bunga sederhana besar, sesuai dengan kemampuan kewangan aku ketika itu. harap dia gembira. 

tidak lama kemudian, dia datang mendapatkan aku dan mengajak aku bertemu orang tuanya. hati aku berdebar tidak menentu. langkahku terasa berat semasa mengekorinya dari belakang. rasa tak terkejar. dia yang berjalan laju atau aku yang melangkah lambat?

dari jauh aku sudah nampak kelibat ibu dan bapanya sedang menunggu. tanpa disedari, aku terus menyorok di belakang salah satu van yang diparkir berhampiran tempat pertemuan kami. tindakan spontan. aku malu sendiri. mungkin dia sedar kehilangan aku, dan datang mendapatkan aku.  

dia : kenapa menyorok kat sini?
aku : saya takut la.....
dia : mak ayah saya ok la. jangan risau. 

aku mengikutnya dari belakang. senyuman dia sedikit sebanyak mengurangkan kerisauan hati ini. aku mula mengukir senyuman apabila melihat ibunya memandang ke arah aku. ibu dan bapanya juga tersenyum memandangku atas ke bawah. mungkin mereka sedang menganalisa diri aku. sabar. aku menenangkan diri sendiri. 

kami berbual ringkas. aku selesa dengan mereka terutama dengan ayahnya yang ramah bertanya itu dan ini. ibunya lebih banyak tersenyum. pasangan ideal.

perjalanan kami masih panjang. namun, ini satu permulaan yang baik bagi kami. kedua ibu bapanya menerima aku seadanya. itu sudah cukup bagi kami.
alhamdu Lillah



Monday, March 4, 2013

2/2/2013 - We're Engaged

2nd February 2013
Alhamdu Lillah
Praised to Allah The Almighty
